Calm Your Mind & Spirit With A
Free Simple Grounding Technique
Grounding, or being grounded, implies a feeling of stability, certainty, clarity, and strength. We use it when describing someone who is secure, confident yet yielding and has a down-to-earth quality about them. Grounding brings us, as spirit, back into our bodies here on the physical plane. By reconnecting with our bodies, we often experience an increased sense of clarity, balance and the ability to be in the present moment.
When someone says they feel grounded, it is because they are enjoying the connection or reconnection with the earth that has been lost at one time or another.
We feel grounded because our inner life force energy, our “chi“, is moving and flowing. Many things can interfere with the movement of life force energy through our bodies. Fear is a big one. When we hold onto this energy, it contracts the body making it hard to let it go.
When we ground ourselves, we give ourselves the opportunity to release this unwanted energy and begin to see the truth about it, our truth.
Grounding: An Alternative Perspective
Let us look at grounding in a different way. In electrical terms, objects with an excess of charge – either positive or negative – can have this charge removed by a process known as grounding. We have all experienced a discharge of energy when we get shocked after walking across a carpet and then touching something made of metal. The shock is caused by a buildup of static electricity, which was instantaneously discharged as soon as we came into contact with the metal object.
When an item is grounded, the excess charge is transferred from the charged object and the “ground”. A lightning rod is a classic example of a ground. When the electrically charged lightning hits a lightning rod, the charge, instead of being transferred to the building it is attached to, follows along a wire that is firmly planted within the earth. The wire creates a conducting pathway for the electrical charge, where it is dissipated deeply within the earth.
We Ground Via A Grounding Cord
Like a lightning rod, we can create a conducting pathway to discharge excess energy from our bodies. This is called a grounding cord. We all have grounding cords through which we anchor ourselves, our physical and subtle bodies into the earth. Some are long, some short, some release mental and emotional energy efficiently, others not as effectively. It is through our grounding cord that we can reconnect with the earth and release trapped emotional energy.
It serves as a vehicle to let go of surplus or stagnant emotional energy from our bodies. A grounding cord is also a part of our subtle energy system, which includes the auric field and the chakras. Creating a grounding cord is an excellent way to help calm the body, mind, and spirit.
Simple Grounding Technique: Create A Grounding Cord
We all can create grounding cords for ourselves. It is very easy to do. To create a ground cord, we will be visualizing a line of energy connecting your first chakra (the energy center located at the base of the spine) to the center of the planet. To help you to experience what it feels like to be grounded, let us try this simple grounding technique. It is in the form of a guided meditation.
To begin, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Take a moment to notice what’s happening around you.
Where are you in the room?
That’s right.
In your mind’s eye, look around and see what’s with you in the room?
Orient yourself to your surroundings.
Say hello to your body.
Listen to your heartbeat.
Breathe in again, and allow you, as spirit, to effortlessly rest back into your body.
Take one more nice deep breath and let’s begin to create a grounding cord.
Take A Nice Deep Breath
As I said earlier, a grounding cord is a line of energy that runs from the first chakra down to the center of the planet.
The first Chakra is located at the base of the spine.
Put your energy and attention there.
You may find this chakra tingling, vibrating or feeling warmer as you put your concentrate on this area of your body.
Next, in your mind’s eye, visualize the center of the planet.
The center of the planet can look any way you want. It can appear as a hollow ball or a solid sphere. It might be made of molten rock or like the insides of a baseball. It may even appear as a ball of light.
Whatever you want the center of the planet to look like, have that appear in your mind’s eye.
Now, create a line of energy that goes from the first chakra down to the center of the planet.
Let this line of energy appear as a Redwood tree.
Allow this Redwood tree to form easily and effortlessly.
When it reaches the center of the planet, allow your Redwood tree to form roots, hooking you firmly into the planet.
Imagine your body releasing energy down your grounding cord, your Redwood tree, all the way down to the center of the planet.
Take A Nice Deep Breath
Notice how this feels to your body.
Did you notice any shifts in your energy?
Do you feel more relaxed with your grounding cord in place?
Do you feel more centered, clearer, or more at ease?
Continue to release energy down your grounding.
Give this process a little time to work.
As your body begins to discharge energy, you might feel as if something is draining out of you or as if the anxiety or tension you were carrying has somehow magically disappeared.
Perhaps you feel as if a weight were finally taken off your shoulders.
Maybe what you were previously experiencing has lessened or gone away completely.
This is the power of grounding at work.
Take A Nice Deep Breath
Keep your eyes closed and let your body release energy from it for a few minutes.
Staying in this relaxed place will allow more and more energy to drain from your body.
Free Simple Grounding Technique Guided Meditation
Grounding is a great way to revive your energy as well as prepare yourself for meditating, doing healing work or even letting go of an uncomfortable situation at home or work. If you are interested, you can find a free recorded version of this exercise that you can download and listen to anytime.
So please enjoy the rest and relaxation that grounding your body using this free simple grounding technique provides!
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