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Home » First Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 1st Chakra

First Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 1st Chakra

    1st Chakra Healing: A Guided Meditation

    Why Get A 1st Chakra Healing?

    The chakras are energy centers withing the body.  When they are balanced and their energy is flowing smoothly, you are healthy and whole. If the chakras become blocked or their energy becomes stagnate, over time, it may result in illness or disease. When they are out of balance, it can have a huge impact on your emotional, mental, physical and even spiritual health. You can use this free 1st chakra healing to heal and clear your First Chakra.

    Free First Chakra Healing

    The 1st chakra is located at the base of the spine.

    The color of the first chakra is red.

    Feel it as it swirls around healing and clearing this energy center.

    The 1st chakra relates to all things solid, earthly and grounded.

    When we ground we are energetically connected to the earth.

    When we open up and clear this chakra our connection to the world will automatically increase.

    We experience the safety that a healthy first chakra can offer.

    When our energy is flowing through this energy center we feel grounded, safe and alive.

    We are confident and have the ability to achieve your goals.

    We feel connected to life and experience a sense of stillness within ourselves.

    Free Chakra Healing Video

    This free 1st chakra healing was brought to you by and Please explore our other free chakra healing videos that work to clear the first chakra, the second chakra, the third chakra, the forth chakra, the fifth chakra, the sixth chakra and the seventh chakra.

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