Working With The Law Of Attraction Is Simple
Tips For Understanding How To Use It
Have you ever wished upon a star? Dreamed of far and distant places? Imagined yourself being successful or prosperous? What the world would be like if we could manifest anything we wanted with just a thought. I bet it sounds impossible. Well it is not. Working with the Law of Attraction makes anything possible.
This miracle making power is within each of us. There are many misconceptions about the Law of Attraction. It is not about getting a new car, millions of dollars, fame or fortunes. It is about keeping ourselves in alignment with the flow of life, allowing it and not our ego to lead the way. In this way, we open ourselves up to the grace of God and bring to ourselves those things that are for our highest good.
This tremendous and immense power of the law of attraction cannot act without conscious direction. It is argued that we attract into our lives whatever we think about, both positive and negative. Like electricity, it does what it is directed to do. If we are clear about what we want and see, feel and experience it in our hearts, souls and mind’s eye, we can bring into our reality. If on the other hand, we experience doubt, instead of attract in what we desire into our lives, many times we end up manifesting the opposite. This only ends up validating our worst fears.
By paying attention to all of our parts, our inner energies, and by tuning into our inner direction we can all experience abundance. If fear, doubt, insecurity, anxiety about what you are trying to create enters your mind and fills your senses, delve into yourself and discover what is causing them to appear. Many times these feelings are a reflection of some aspect of us that is not in agreement with our desires. Other times there is a part of ourselves, which does not believe we can have it, get it, deserve it or have earned it.
The Law Of Attraction – Bottom Line
Nevertheless, there is always a caveat to everything in life and this is the small print when talking about the law of attraction. Here is a tip to working with this law. Sometimes our ego gets in the way and tries to attract something that is really for our highest good. The Law of Attraction follows the guidance of the soul, not the will and dictates of the ego.
We all would like a trillion dollars, but in this life, we might have lessons to learn that will ultimately keep us from having the cold hard cash we think we deserve. The soul desire might want to be happy and feel content. The ego might believe that the only way to be happy is to have trillions of dollars. Discovering the desires of the soul, and not the ego, will shift your ability and help you get what you truly want. Yes, you can pull those things into your into your life. Letting the souls steer the path your life takes will also reduce the hurt, anxiety, frustration and disappointment of a bruised ego.
Working with the Law of Attraction is simple if you understand its basic premise. It is not about what we want, but at the same time, it is ALL about what we desire. It does not work when we come from a place of ego. It functions when our heart, mind and soul is in alignment with our higher power – source. This is when miracles happen and can experience the life that we truly desire.
Watch the following video and learn more about the Law of Attraction. Dr. Rita Louise delves into the concept of the Law Of Attraction and discusses our role in conscious creation. Video also features: Eldon Taylor, Keith Blanchard, LaRue Eppler and Egan Sanders.
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