Get The Insights You Need From A Reliable Source
Are you feeling sick and under the weather? Has a chronic illness got you down? Then perhaps you should get on the phone and work with a medical intuitive, like me!
Dealing with a complicated health problem is like trying to solve a puzzle. It is challenging to feel like you are stumbling around in the dark looking for a solution. You may find yourself going from doctor to doctor in your search for an answer. Yet no matter what you try, you still don’t feel well much less in optimal shape.
This is where an intuitive reading can assist you in your search for clarity. It can save you time, money, and frustration by getting to the root cause and underlying issue of your health concern. A Medical intuitive reading by Naturopath and Intuitive healer Dr. Rita Louise can help you to understand what is going on in your body and how to bring about lasting changes. A medical intuitive reading is a quick, easy, painless, and effective way to achieve that goal.
How Medical Intuition Works
Our bodies are always talking to us. It tells us what is wrong and what it wants and needs to heal itself. Using my intuition, I will dig deep into your body and listen to what it has to say as I identify the root cause of your medical problems. A medical intuition evaluation is like getting an X-ray or cat scan. The medical intuitive, during an evaluation, uses their ‘X-ray vision’ to look into and assess your body. Working with a medical intuitive also offers some amazing benefits.
In addition to providing you insights into the health and wellness of your body, they can help you to understand why you got sick in the first place. In many instances, they can also detect issues that may be newly emerging in the body but are not severe enough to show up in traditional medical tests. That’s right; I can let you know you are driving around on bald tires long before you find yourself sitting on the side of the road with a flat!
An evaluation includes what is going on physically but can also reveal what emotions or limiting beliefs may be causing your physical health concerns in the first place. Your past hurts and unresolved emotional pain can get trapped in the body and cause you to experience health issues such as digestive disturbances, migraine headaches or severe allergies. In many instances, when the emotions that surround an illness are addressed, miraculous improvements in our health can occur.
How Can An Intuitive Health Reading Help Me?
A health session can provide you with invaluable information about any chronic or acute illnesses you may be struggling with. I have worked with thousands of clients worldwide with undiagnosed health problems. I have assisted individuals who traditional allopathic medical doctors were unable to help. I have provided a second opinion to people who have challenging health decisions to make. I have also worked with people who want to care for their bodies in a holistic, natural way.
A Medical Intuitive Reading Can Help You:
- Enjoy a holistic approach to wellness
- Find out what your body is trying to tell to you
- Discover what is causing your health problems
- Learn what beliefs may be affecting your health
- Uncover any past traumas that may have led to your condition
- Take an honest look at yourself and your life
- Get the answers you need and finally know what to do
- Be empowered with your health choices
- Experience an increase in your overall vitality as your health revives
Take Control Of Your Life
Taking action is the key to making positive changes in your life. This includes your health. So don’t wait! Take your next step right now and schedule a medical intuitive reading with Dr. Rita Louise.
Who Is Medical Intuitive Dr. Rita Louise?
I have over 20 years of experience performing intuitive readings. As a Naturopathic physician and medical intuitive healer, I have extensive training on how the physical body works as well as an in-depth knowledge of diet and nutrition, supplements, herbal remedies, mindful meditation, energy healing, guided imagery, flower essences, essential oils, and other natural therapies.
My intuitive readings are designed to help you make profound changes in your life. I offer comprehensive assessments of the root cause of any health concern. I will also create a personalized intuitive healing and health plan, tailored to your body and your specific needs. We will be working with natural therapies, remedies and lifestyle changes. Together we can co-create a plan designed to bring your body back to its natural state of health and vitality.
It only makes sense that you would want to work with someone who has both alternative health credentials as well as a keen sense of intuition.
What Common Illnesses Have You Worked With?
I have worked with a wide range of health conditions during a medical intuitive reading. They include but are not limited to:
Fatigue | Headaches |
Weight loss | Digestive disturbances |
Respiratory issues | Liver and gallbladder congestion |
Back and structural issues | Woman’s health |
Anxiety | Inflammatory disorders |
Multiple chemical sensitivity | Negative Spiritual Attachments |
What Is Involved In A Medical Intuitive Reading? What Can I Expect?
It is always a good idea to prepare in advance for your medical intuitive reading and healing. We all know where our “owies” are. Are you suffering from constipation, candida, or acid reflux? Perhaps you do not know what is going on but you have symptoms like fatigue, anxiousness, or physical discomfort.
Regardless of what potential health problem is concerning you, spend some time identifying what you would like to focus our meeting on. We will delve into your health history, your aches and pains, questions, and concerns at the start of the intuitive session. Many clients bring a prioritized list to their readings to ensure that we give the most critical items the time and energy they deserve.
You will want to be in a quiet place, free from distraction as we do our reading. We will be talking about private health information, so the ability to talk freely is essential. My medical intuitive readings are extremely detailed. A lot of information comes through so it is always advisable to have a pen and paper nearby as we explore the wisdom and secret messages your body holds.
It is important to note that some of our deepest work happens right after an intuitive healing reading. It is advisable to be kind to yourself, drink lots of water and stay away from alcohol and junk food. Try to give yourself and an hour or two before reengaging in your workday. Take time to reflect on the insights you gained from the session or any insight that may come to you afterward.
Can I Learn To Be A Medical Intuitive?
Accessing intuitive insights is like our ability to draw a picture or tear up the dance floor. Some people are naturally talented and can amaze us with their innate skills and abilities. For others, through training, it can be developed, honed, and allowed to blossom into a finely polished skill. We all are intuitive! It is something we are all born with. This includes you.
You can open the door to your intuition through my home study training programs offered by the Institute of Applied Energetics. Learning to be a medical intuitive has never been so easy.
In fact, you can Jump Start Your Intuition training right now by downloading my free course. You will receive everything you need to begin transforming your life today!

Reserve Your Session Today!
Want a Medical Intuition Reading or Medical Intuition Healing Session? Then go ahead and drop me a note. I will email you back within one business day to set up a time. I look forward to helping you regain your health and improve the quality of your life.